
Jamaica is Back in Business Post COVID-19

In an effort to flatten the curve and stop the spread of the corona-virus, we saw borders around the world close. As we began to settle into our new quarantine and social distancing rules, we had to find new ways to spend our time. If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you’re avoiding cabin fever the best way you know how. Congratulations, you’ve survived level 2 of Jumangi! With everything that is going on, I know, still in the back of your mind you’re wondering.. When can I hop on the nearest plane far from here??



Well it looks like Christmas is coming early, June 15, 2020 to be exact. In a major announcement the head of the Ministry of Tourism in Jamaica, Edmund Bartlett, announced their official reopening for all international travelers. Going even further by not restricting travelers from other countries, unlike some who are. This will make Jamaica the largest Caribbean destination to reopen its border since the corona-virus pandemic.

“The Government of Jamaica will open its borders for the repatriation of nationals as of 1 June 2020. On 15 June 2020 the borders will be open for all international travelers.”

What does this mean for travelers?

With  borders re-opening, gone are the old way of doing things. There will be new health and safety protocols covering everything tourism related; from hotels/ resorts to tour operators. Masks will be required at the airports and guests will be required to undergo a temperature check. Travelers are advised to seek certification from the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo) to ensure they are compliant with COVID-19 protocols.

“We would have, perhaps, the most rigorous set of protocols that could be available anywhere in the world to protect, not just the workers … but the whole country, as we [look to reopen]” said Bartlett. 

Although borders are reopening, don’t expect all hotels and resorts to open also. So before you decide to mark your calendars,  check with your resorts to get information on their official reopening dates.

Thoughts to myself like…

I truly believe everything we once knew about travel is no longer. These are new times we’re operating in, so keeping your head on the swivel is very important. If you are traveling, be safe and follow the guidelines. I mean they are there for your own safety, right?!

As always, 

Dream. Travel. Live. Repeat … ™


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  1. Porcha McKinney says:

    Let me know when they’re READY ready…✈️

  2. Tatia says:

    Vegas was supposed to have all of the stringent restrictions in place before it reopened. While watching ET they showed Vegas this past weekend it looked like it was business as usual. People everywhere and hardly anyone had on masks. I wonder if Jamaica will be the same way. I plan not to fly anywhere for a while.

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